Hail Christ the King!

11-24-2024Weekly Reflection© LPi Fr. John Muir

When I was a young boy in Burlington, Vermont, my dad had a good friend named Phil who owned a sporting goods store. I loved sports, so meandering the treasure-filled aisles was an unmitigated joy. One afternoon, we were shopping for a baseball glove. Dad said to me, “Hey Johnny, see that man who just walked into the store? That’s Phil.” I remember being fascinated and a little terrified. I recall thinking, “That man right there is in charge of everything in this store!”

He reigned over every ball, sneaker, jersey, and sweatsuit. Phil became a family friend. And he was a good owner. The store flourished, and I found myself even more at peace every time I went there. I felt a new hope and even responsibility for the store to flourish.

To say that Christ is the King of the Universe means that Jesus has absolute authority over everything in it. It should fill us with awe and fascination. He is in charge. The world and everything in it are finally his. Knowing that he knows and loves us should make us also feel a deep peace at being a part of his universe. This leads us to want his kingdom to flourish, to play some responsible role in it.

We advance his kingdom by promoting the truth. “Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice,” Christ the King proclaims. In Phil’s store, it was about the truth of athletics. In our world, it’s all about the truth of all creation, especially the dignity of the human person, made by and for our loving God. Let’s rejoice that we know the true king and commit to the flourishing of his kingdom.

¡Viva Cristo Rey! Viva nuestro Rey, es la forma de expresar el agradecimiento y el amor del pueblo hispano hacia esta gran Solemnidad. Con esta Solemnidad se termina el ciclo litúrgico B y daremos comienzo al ciclo C. Es decir, el próximo domingo daremos comienzo al tiempo de Adviento e iniciamos el nuevo Año Litúrgico. “Dios todopoderoso y eterno, que quisiste fundamentar todas las cosas en tu Hijo muy amado, Rey del universo, concede, benigno, que toda la creación, liberada de la esclavitud del pecado, sirva a tu majestad y te alabe eternamente (Oración Colecta). En la Primera lectura del Profeta Daniel se anuncia su reinado: “Su poder es el poder eterno que nunca pasará; su reino no será destruido” (Daniel 7:14). Realeza eterna y universal era la visión del Profeta Daniel.

¿Crees que Jesucristo es reconocido en la actualidad como Rey del universo? ¿Es Jesús el Rey de las familias? Si reflexionamos cuidadosamente, nos daremos cuenta de que, a través de los años, pasan los gobiernos, pasan los reyes de las diferentes jerarquías, gobiernan y reinan, pero mueren. Sin embargo, Jesús es el Rey eterno que nunca pasará. Y esto es lo que debe ser enseñado en cada hogar cristiano: “Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, dice el Señor Dios, el que Es, que era y que ha de venir, el Todopoderoso” (Apocalipsis 1:8). Ojalá, que en cada hogar reine el Señor para siempre y que nos de su bendición y su paz.