SFdA Parish Updates

05-07-2020Weekly ReflectionFr. Will Schmid

We are happy to announce that we will be distributing Holy Communion after the Sunday Facebook Live Masses at SFdA Church! Please note the changes that will begin this week.

Sunday Mass in English will begin at 10:00am starting May 10. Spanish Mass will still begin at 12:15pm.

Holy Communion will be distributed after the English Facebook live Mass until 11:45am and after the Spanish Facebook live Mass until 1:45pm.

The Adoration Chapel will be closed every Sunday from 9:00am-1:00pm.

Offertory collection boxes will be available at each Communion station. Also, please consider giving online under the "Donate" tab.

Home bound Communion will not be available at this time. If someone is in danger of death please contact the Parish Office at 928- 779-1341 to set up a time for a priest to anoint the person as well as give them Holy Communion.

Drive-thru Confession times going forward will go back to regular times: Wednesdays at 5:00pm and Saturdays at 9:00am.

Thank you for your continued patience and support as we transition into this new phase. We are praying for all of you!