In Jesus’ first appearance to his disciples, as described in today’s Gospel, Jesus sends the disciples, and all who follow him: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” Jesus speaks to us here: we the Church are a “sent people,” sent to participate in God’s mission, that is, God’s purposes and activity for all of humanity. Like Jesus was sent to Israel, we are sent to witness to our world of the boundless love of God, and to offer an alternative way of living based on that love.
READ MOREThe story of Easter reveals that the world has begun a new day. The darkness of the Crucifixion has opened into the light of Easter. Like the dawn that gradually opened to the disciples on the first Easter morning, we slowly begin to see what the light of faith reveals. Death will not have the final word, because Christ is risen and we will share in his resurrection. Injustice and suffering will not continue forever, because God’s victory over sin has begun, and will be completed when Christ returns.
READ MOREOne of the best ways to remember something truly important is to set it to music. It can be easily recalled and sung by heart and passed on. As you focus on the scriptures for Palm Sunday, it might be helpful to think of them as past, present, and future versions of the same story. In Isaiah, we hear one of four hymns referring to the “Suffering Servant” that paints a poignant picture prefiguring Jesus’ crucifixion.
READ MOREIsaiah prophesies for the Lord: “Remember not the events of the past, the things of long ago consider not; see, I am doing something new!” One of the most dangerous things that we can do is get stuck in our old ways. As individuals, as parishes, as I nations we can say, “We’ve always done it that way,” and miss calls to growth and change. Throughout this Lent and our lives, God continues to call us to life, and we should celebrate that!